Commercial Silverfish Control Contact Us Today

Silverfish Extermination

Blitz Pest Control can help you effectively eradicate your silverfish problem.

You may have seen these greyish-brown, scaly, and wingless, creepy crawlies hiding in your kitchen cabinet and or basement. These teardrop-shaped creatures are ugly. It’s no wonder we get calls from clients requesting our expertise in Silverfish Control!

Silverfish Identification

Let’s take a closer look at the Silverfish species so you can identify them and locate the source of infestation

Silverfish have elongated and flat bodies (a quarter inch to half an inch long.)
You won’t be able to miss these critters as they are covered with shiny, silvery scales. Similar to other insects, Silverfish have 3 pairs of legs. These little guys move fast as they can outrun most of their predators with their light coloured legs and appendages that look very similar to you guessed it, silver-coloured fish!

The Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) mating process is fascinating. The male releases a package of sperm called a spermatophore. The female picks up this package with an organ at her rear, and inserts it into her body. The sperm is then released and fertilizes the female’s egg – she then lays her tiny, white, oval eggs in cracks and crevices. It may take from weeks to months for the eggs to hatch depending on environmental conditions. Once the nymph is released from the egg (resembling a smaller, non-shiny version of the adult), it periodically moults (sheds its old shell) as it grows. Eventually as it reaches adulthood, it develops the dark and metallic shine. Silverfish may live from 2-8 years and continue to go through 17-66 moults in their lifetime.

Silverfish love damp, high humidity areas such as basements, laundry rooms, bathrooms and kitchens – and anywhere that contains moisture. Nocturnal creatures, Silverfish hangout in cracks and crevices during the day, and become active at night on the hunt for food. You may see yellow stains or scales, leaving behind a trail as it moves.

What Do Silverfish Eat?

Silverfish are carb addicts! They eat a variety of items such as paper, starch in clothing, fabrics (especially cotton and linen), and any other foods rich in starch and carbs such as flour, bread, cereals and oatmeal. They’ll even eat glue in the bindings of books! Mold and high protein foods such as dead insects and meat are also attractive to silverfish – these critters can even survive for several months without food!

How To Prevent Silverfish?

1. Vacuum Your House Often

Vacuuming helps to keep their food sources down and sucks eggs out of the carpet and baseboards. Vacuum at least once a week. When necessary, you can dry out your carpets by sprinkling them with baking soda, leaving it for a few hours, then vacuuming it up.

2. Seal Up Food

Keep dry food in containers with tightly sealed lids. Vacuum regularly to pick up food crumbs (and potentially suck up any eggs).

3. Reduce Humidity

If you can get your hands on one, use a dehumidifier. Since silverfish love damp places, reducing the humidity in your home is a sure way to keep them out. Long term, you also want to deal with any moisture problems, like installing better ventilation systems in those rooms with high moisture.

4. Clear Clutter

Store off-season clothing in sealed bins with silica pacs and try to leave the bins somewhere dry. Don’t leave piles of newspaper, ephemera or mail lying around. Similarly, get rid of old cardboard boxes in the basement. Outside, you should clear the perimeter around your home of leaves and other damp debris.

5. Use Oil Spray

Silverfish are not fond of cedar. Spray crevices with cedar oil to deter them. Some also believe that dried bay leaves are an effective insect repellant.

Natural Silverfish Pest Control Tips

Place a de-humidifier in problem areas – this will limit their ability to reproduce Leave kitchen and bathroom fans on whenever you cook, shower or bathe, limiting humidity. Use silica pacs in storage boxes and enclosed areas where excessive moisture could be an issue. Silica pacs can be placed out in the sun and used again and again. Place glue boards under kitchen and bathroom sinks & behind washer/dryers – Silverfish are attracted to adhesives and paper and catching them can be very satisfying! (Ensure glue boards are not accessible by kids or pets) Caulk all cracks and crevices where silverfish could lay eggs
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Get Professional for Silver Fish Removal

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Experts in Silverfish Removal

Safe, Effective and No residual

  • Our treatments do not stain flooring
  • Our treatments are completely safe for people and pets to re-enter your space after our recommended window of vacancy time.
  • We believe in transparency with clients. Our pest experts will email you pre/post treatment guidelines for all services, and we’re always available to answer questions.
  • We will walk you through the entire process, and answer all of your questions on-site before we begin treatments.
  • We respect the cleanliness of your home, and will always wear boot covers!
  • You should see a 90% improvement – and in most cases, better!
Westside Pest Control provides effective treatments for Silverfish in condos, townhomes, detached homes and commercial spaces. Our knowledgeable and friendly technicians will walk you through the assessment/treatment process and will answer any questions you may have.

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