Commercial Bee Identification Contact Us Today

Learn About The Types of Bees In British Columbia

Yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets may all sting you painfully! These stinging insects should not be present around your home or family because they might be harmful to humans. On the other hand, bees are the most effective pollinators in the world and should ideally be left alone whenever feasible.

The specialists from Blitz Pest Management provide some insights into bee life and how to recognize the many bee species. The best course of action if you have bee problems around your house is to contact a beekeeper or a humane pest management service.

Common Types of Bees Seen In British Columbia

Honey Bees
Species: Apis mellifera

Honeybee nests are frequently discovered in the walls and ceilings of homes or in the hollows of trees. They lay their eggs in bare, enclosed areas. Honeybee swarms are distinct from other swarms because they often form clusters that hang from trees or clump onto buildings rather than a massive cloud of tens of thousands of bees in the sky. Swarms typically last a few hours to a few days and are not permanent; instead, the bees send out scouts to find new homes.

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Bumble bee
Species: Bombus vosnesenskii, Bombus mixtus

Nests of bumblebees are frequently discovered in birdhouses, compost piles, under sheds, and in building insulation. When insulation or other light materials are removed from nests, which are typically coated with them, wax-based yellow, bulbous cup-like structures can be seen inside. Important native pollinators of flowers and food crops, bumblebees are.

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Mason Bees
Species: Osmia lignaria

The stingless, solitary mason bee is an efficient pollinator. Garden supply stores frequently sell Mason bee houses. Mason bees occasionally build their nests in the tiny gaps between shingles on houses. They do this in narrow, tube-like holes. They are safe and don’t hurt any buildings. Let them be is the proper technique.

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Need Help in Wasps

Got Problems With Wasps Inside or Around Your Home?

Priorities first When done without the proper safety gear, DIY pest control can be quite dangerous. Pest removal and eradication should be left to the professionals. To have it handled for you, contact a nearby pest control business.

Blitz Pest Control can assist with a wide range of issues relating to home pest control:

  • Wasp Nest Removal

  • Pavement Ant Removal

  • Carpenter Ant Removal

  • Spider Removal

  • Insect Removal

Better Then The Best Blitz Pests!

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Blitz Pest Expert Team Is Ready To Help

We Can Help With Hornet And Wasp Control

After a few simple questions, free estimates can be given over the phone for wasp control in BC, Contact the BC Pest Control experts


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